Several studies have shown some correlation between poor sleep and back pain. So, looking after your sleep you are very likely helping to maintain your physical, as well as your mental, well-being.
Core Values: The importance of maintaining a strong core for a healthy back
The truth about kinesiology tape: not just for pro athletes
Taking the strain: the issue of exercise after injury
Are you sitting comfortably?
Sciatica – more than just a pain in the a#$e!
Why not to shrug off shoulder pain
Back to basics
Treating plantar fasciitis - one step at a time
Extreme treatment: Using ice and heat with injuries
Make no bones about it - the benefits of vitamin D
Going the extra mile: the most common running injuries, their causes, symptoms and how to help yourself - part 2
Going the extra mile: the most common running injuries, their causes and symptoms, and how to help yourself - part 1
Marathon season is well and truly upon us and so now is as good a time as any to review the most common running injuries and best course of action for their management. Of course, this isn't just aimed at those of you who will endeavour to run 26.2 miles in the coming days and months, it is also relevant for anyone trying to lose weight or tone up after a long winter.
Getting to the point of the matter: medical acupuncture
Medical acupuncture, which is sometimes referred to as ‘dry needling’, is a modern adaptation of traditional Chinese acupuncture. It was formed using the principles of evidence-based medicine and incorporates modern knowledge of anatomy and physiology. It is used by doctors, physiotherapists, osteopaths and health practitioners who have undertaken the appropriate postgraduate acupuncture training.
Pregnancy pain: the causes and treatment of backache before and after childbirth
Shoulder pain and how osteopathy can help
Shoulder pain can be difficult to shift. Due to the highly mobile nature of the shoulder and the fact that the shoulder has less integrity than many other peripheral joints (ie the muscles of the area are primarily responsible for its integrity), there is increased risk of injury to the structures of the shoulder. The good news is osteopathy can help with many of the symptoms of shoulder injury/dysfunction, and can also help manage the associated pain.
Too old, too late? The benefits of osteopathy in treating degeneration and arthritis
If there is one surety in life it is that we will age. Our musculoskeletal system is not immune from ageing - it affects us all to varying degrees. As we age the joints and surrounding tissues undergo changes. These include a decrease in the available movement of the joint, and weakening and wasting of the surrounding muscles.